Web redesign can mean many different things. For some clients, it means creating a new look for an existing site, but keeping the site structure, content and functionality the same. For others it means adding a new section, for example, creating an on-line store. If your site’s structure no longer makes sense; we work with you to design a new architecture and new navigation. If your site takes too long to update, or never gets updated because no one has the time or the skill, we create a content management system where updates are made by completing simple on-line forms. If your site should be accessible to the disabled, we retrofit your site for Bobby/Sect. 508 compliance.
Whatever your redesign needs, we can help. We can take your existing site and give it a whole new graphic design. We will improve the site architecture and navigation, adding new features to better serve your site audience. We’ll create content management systems to reduce your maintenance time and costs. We can fix “broken” sites, making them perform the way you want.