
Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 18

Too Messy – Try Again Tomorrow

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 18

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 18

Today’s Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam expression is messy.  It does not really look like a face.  It belongs in the Alien category.  It was a nice try, but we’ll have to try again tomorrow.



Background: The Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam blog is a live example for one of our clients to experience how they might use a blog to pull traffic to their website. Our client is learning how specific content can organically rank in many web searches.  The cost-benefit trade-offs are being driven home by the quality of content that can be produced with a limited set of resources. While there are many examples of how companies simply copy & pasting someone else’s work, those sites come across as boring and fake. The solution for this example came in the form of Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam. Our client can easily produce a daily photo of a Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam expression.  Cyber Services is tracking this blog’s success for the search term “Sculpting Foam”. We are confident that the blog will not rank highly in a search on “website and application development.” But “Sculpting Foam” is a different story.  And if you want to improve the ranking, you can put a link on your site to this page. Call the link “Sculpting Foam.”

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 9

Alien with Goatee

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 9

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 9

This just might be an alien with a goatee.  The first thing I saw was the goatee in this Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam expression.  However, as I got a view of the larger being, the eyes made me think “alien”.



Background: This Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam blog is being developed to show one of our clients how they might use a blog to pull traffic to their website. Our client was having a difficult time understanding how their posts would need to be specific in their content in order for machines to find them relevant.  This example is helping them understand the cost-benefit trade-offs. Fresh daily content is required to boost the success of a website’s organic search results; however, meaningful content on a daily basis for the topic “website and application development” requires actual resources and were beyond the scope of this example.  The idea of copy & pasting someone else’s work seemed boring and fake. The solution came in the form of Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam. We decided we would produce a daily photo of a Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam expression.  As part of the experiment, Cyber Services is tracking this blog’s success for the search term “Sculpting Foam”. We are confident that the blog will not rank highly in a search on “website and application development.” But “Sculpting Foam” is a different story.  And if you want to improve the ranking, you can put a link on your site to this page. Call the link “Sculpting Foam.”

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 3

1,000 Words or Sculpting Foam Face?

Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam Expression 3Here you see an expression that went wrong.  Based on the shape of the Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam in the palm of the hand, this expression should have been a profile shot – see the nose to the right?  Looking at it now, I would have to say it looks like an alien.



Background: One of our clients was having a difficult time understanding how a blog might be used to pull traffic to their website. Together, we determined an example might be the most effective way to help them understand the cost-benefit trade-offs. Fresh daily content would be required to boost the success of a website’s organic search results; however, meaningful content on a daily basis for the topic “website and application development” would require real resources and seemed beyond the scope of this example.  The idea of copy & pasting someone else’s work seemed boring and fake. The solution came in the form of Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam. We decided we would produce a daily photo of a Paul Mitchell Sculpting Foam expression.  As part of the experiment, Cyber Services is tracking this blog’s success for the search term “Sculpting Foam”. We are confident that the blog will not rank highly in a search on “website and application development.” But “Sculpting Foam” is a different story.  And if you want to improve the ranking, you can put a link on your site to this page. Call the link “Sculpting Foam.”